Carprincess’s blog is full of life lessons, reviews, and more. The blog is a place where Carprincess could share her stories and have her readers learn from them so they don’t have to commit the same errors.

Adventure Carla Valentin Adventure Carla Valentin

2018 Reflections: What Did I Do & What I Didn't Do

Now that the year is coming to an end, I wanted to do a review of what I wanted my 2018 year to be versus what actually happened. This will be based off my Vision Board that I created in the month of January so that I have a starting point to compare the beginning of the year to the end.

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Adventure Carla Valentin Adventure Carla Valentin

The Things I Carry : Minimalist Adventure

I am going to look at every item I own in my bedroom and then my home office to determine what brings me joy and value in my life and what doesn’t. This process I am going to label as “The Things I Carry” series and each post will be either about a single item or a group of items that I will catalogue and critique.

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Adventure Carla Valentin Adventure Carla Valentin

Minimalism : Less is More

To me, minimalism is owning possessions with a purpose. Every item you own has a purpose and a reason for existing in your life. In my opinion minimalism isn’t always about not having much, it’s about knowing what you have and having a purpose of having it in your life.

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Adventure Carla Valentin Adventure Carla Valentin

Landmark Advanced : The Game of Winning

Have you ever played the Game Boy Advanced? It was this handheld console created in the early 2000s that was an upgrade from the Game Boy Color. This device was 'backward compatible' which meant that it played the games from both the Game Boy and the Game Boy Color, but it also had its own Game Boy Advanced games. 

I bring it up because not only do both the Advanced Course by Landmark and the Game Boy Advanced have the word 'advanced' in their names, but because the comparisons between the two can help you see through my eyes how I felt about the course. Yes, be prepared to learn about Landmark from a gamer's perspective. 

You should read my first entry about Landmark first before continuing.

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